Looking for Ways to Grow Your Organizing Business?

Learn How Adding Senior Downsizing Services Can Take Your Business to the Next Level!

  • 7 Benefits That Can Change Your Business Forever

    You'll learn the 7 ways senior downsizing services can increase your overall profit while expanding your client base.

  • Which Type of Downsizing Services Are A Good Fit

    Organizing is a critical service for seniors who need to assess and reduce their belongings. Learn which service options might be a good fit for your business.

  • Want More B2B Opportunities?

    Adding downsizing services can open up new business-to-business opportunities, offering new income streams and community exposure.

In This Course You'll Learn...

  • The 7 ways adding senior downsizing services can benefit your organizing business.

  • Why significant, recent demographic changes in the senior population mean even bigger business opportunities for organizers and senior downsizing specialists.

  • Which downsizing service ideas fit well with an existing organizing business.

  • How these services can open doors to new business-to-business opportunities that can expand your client base.

  • Why retirement communities need this combination of services to overcome their biggest client objection.

  • Where to get the right training support should you decide to add downsizing to your service menu.

  • What a downsizing specialist is and their primary role with a client.

Lesson Guide


    2. Before you begin....a quick survey!

    1. 7 Ways to Grow Your Organizing Business Offering Senior Downsizing Services

    2. WORKBOOK - 7 Ways to Grow Your Organizing Business Using Senior Downsizing Services

    1. We'd appreciate your feedback! Help us make this program even better!

About this course

  • $29.99


Senior Downsizing Specialist & Transitions Life Coach


Hi! I'm Deborah! I'm a Senior Downsizing Specialist and accredited Life Coach with a specialization in Life Transitions. For over 14 years now, I've helped seniors and their families navigate the challenges of downsizing and it's been the most rewarding experience of my life. Now, as Founder of The Downsizing Institute, my mission is to pass on all the hard-earned experience I've learned along the way to train/coach new business owners starting their own downsizing businesses, as well as teach seniors and their families practical tips & strategies for a less stressful downsizing experience.

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